Cara Menerima Pembayaran Google Adsense dengan Payoneer

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Cara Menerima Pembayaran Google Adsense dengan Payoneer - Mungkin masih belum di ijinkan menerima pembayaran Payment" adsense anda menggunakan akun payoneer. Tapi ketika kami melakukan pencarian "payoneer adsense" kami meneukan beberapa keeterangan dan video yang sudah bisa menerima pembayaran adsense menggunakan akun Payoneer.

Dari Forum online payoneer kami juuga mendapatkan statment seperti berikut :
"Unfortunately Google Adsense does not allow withdrawal to a bank account in your country. Since the US Payment Service details we provide are for a US bank, unless your Google Adsense account has the option to withdraw to a US bank account, you will not be able to use the details. We don't provide a SWIFT/BIC code, only an account number and routing number."

Semoga dengan mengikuti tutorial video di atas , anda bisa menerima pembayaran adsense.